
Art Direction
Graphic Design
Project Management


TECWS & Magic Castle LA: Horrorscopes

As a part of the Themed Entertainment Creative Workshop Series, Jason Thompson taught a workshop in seasonal design for the Magic Castle in LA. All of the students had the opportunity to experience what it is like to partake in and conceptualize an immersive experience theme for The Magic Castle’s popular Halloween Week.

Within just 6 weeks we were able to complete tasks, budgets, visuals, and tech specs to create and present a final collaborative conceptual project at the end of the workshop.

I was the art director on the project working with everyone in the class as well as providing each team with additional graphics and support.

Image from iOS.jpg
Image from iOS.png

Art by Jackson Mancuso


This is the magic key interactive voting system I created to show which element is winning that night to trigger the show ending. You can read more in the deck below.

Left model by me, right model by Angie Annett and graphics by me.


Zodiac Logos

I worked with each of the teams designed e a logo that incorporated their chosen sign and area of the castle. The color scheme of each coordinated with either air, fire, water, or earth signs. You can see the full rooms in the deck below.


The Pitch

At the start of the workshop we were each tasked with pitching an idea for a Halloween overlay in the castle. Mine was to separate the castle with zodiac signs and in doing so personify them in unique ways according to the theme of the room. After winning the vote, I oversaw the project giving art direction and providing additional design work as well as the deck below.


Graphics, logo, and deck designed by me, all other work credited at the bottom of each page.